Saturday, February 13, 2010

To Gackt with Love, xoxo

I am obsess to this SINGER ABOVE.
Year 2008, I have known the existence of this man, and slowly, gently and almost stupidly, I felt in love with him. I know I'm stupid and hopeless. But I still know how to feel LOVE. I love everything about him, and I love all of his songs, totally obsess with him. When I feel depress and lonely, I just waste my time listening to his musics...and I feel alive. Once again.

I thank him for making me feel happy and refresh. I thank him for everything that he has done to me (although he doesn't know me, and he doesn't even know that he makes me happy) But I thank him so much that it hurts. I love him so much that it sorts of killing me, yeah, I'm stupid.

If I had only one (certain) wish before I die, it would be "To see him personally."
"And to watch his concerts even from the farthest chair."
That's why...that's why I plead that before everything would vanish from my very sight, I want to fly to Japan and hear him SING a song...for me. Onegai shimasu, Kami-sama.

Gackt's Trivia!